After a long, hot summer in which we saw record breaking temperatures, fall has finally arrived! When the seasons change and the air gets cool, Wendall and Son’s is here to make sure that your heater is ready to go. We offer Lubbock commercial and residential heating installation. Our goal is to provide Lubbock and its surrounding communities with heating installation so that your home or business is warm even when it is cold outside. We recently have experienced our first cold weather of the season, and you may have already turned on your heater and found out that it isn’t working well! Though the days are not yet brutally cold, it will not be long before you want to turn on your heater and warm up from the winter air every day! Contact Wendall and Son’s in Lubbock to get your heater installed before more cold weather hits.


Wendall and Son’s provides Lubbock with commercial and residential heating installation. It is vital to know that your heater is installed correctly and will do its job when the seasons change.  If your heater is on its last leg or did not work properly during the winter this past year, it is important that you get this issue resolved before you are miserable and cold this winter. Wendall and Son’s provides residential and commercial heating installation. Whether you need a new heater for your home or your business, our trained and dedicated team can handle it all. Our goal is to complete each job in a timely and efficient manner so that you are able to be as comfortable as possible this winter.


Get your new heater installed before the winter arrives. Contact Wendall and Son’s for all of your heating installation needs. We are here to help you!

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